Phone: 815-625-3500 or 

Avril Winkle: Owner


It is often said “To learn of the person is to know the person”…so let me begin my story…

My name is Avril Winkle, CTC and I am the owner of Destinations Travel Services Inc. I have been a part of the travel industry for more than 30 years;I am fueled by my passion for traveling and I am bursting to share that passion by creating memories through experiences for all my clients both old and new. 

The things I love about my job- Having the opportunity of sharing my vast travel experiences with my clients. I have a deep love for traveling the world, I can’t get enough of wildlife, whale sharks, safaris, street food or any food for that matter, beaches & sunsets, when my suitcase comes out first on the baggage carousel, not getting sunburnt and taking the time to try a new experience with each destination. 

The most rewarding thing about my job– For me, I want my clients to discover something about themselves they didn’t know before they traveled, and I absolutely love to see my client’s reactions after their trips! When they come back looking ten years younger, I know I did a good job.

One of the things I am often asked is “How on earth did you end up in the USA & How did you get started in travel? I was born and raised in Northern Ireland and came to the United States when I was 29, you could say that I wanted what every immigrant wants “to experience the American Dream” I was always mesmerized by being at the airport when I was a child, we lived close by Belfast International Airport and my dad had a love for airplanes, we used to go to the airport on a Sunday and watch all the planes come and go and even back then, somehow, I knew I would make travel my business. My hunger for knowledge and determination to turn my clients travel experiences into lifelong memories is what is important to me. You could say I am a "forever student" always wanting to learn more.

Most Memorable Trip- I have had many memorable vacations but the one that stands out most was arranging my own Destination Wedding in Puerto Morelos, Mexico. To be able to have had 50 of my favorite family and friends travel to this amazing resort and share in our most special day was something that I will never forget.    

Favorite Places- This is easy, firstly Ireland as that is where I was raised and now specialize in. I am very proud to be able to showcase my homeland in a way that no other can, with firsthand knowledge. Secondly, I have to say Australia, that for me was a life altering experience and one of the reasons I became an Aussie Specialist. We started our trip in Alice Springs and ended it in Brisbane. I got to cuddle and feed baby kangaroos at a sanctuary, take a sunrise hot air balloon ride over Uluru, had a sunset dinner under the stars, outback cycle excursion, hiking at Kings Canyon, sunset camel trek, stayed within a stunning 44-acre subtropical rainforest in Byron Bay, sampledsome of Australia’s best food and wine, learnt about the indigenous Australian people and tried my hand at telling a story by way of a dot painting. I could go on forever about this amazing experience, but I think if Australia is on your radar just reach out and we can chat till the kangaroos come home!   

What do you bring to the table- With every reservation that I make, I give special attention to exactly what my clients are looking for and what is important to them, Excellent beach? Activities? Great food? Relaxation? Let me know and I will tell you what the sand in Turks and Caicos feels like between your toes, I will describe to you what jerk chicken tastes like in Jamaica or conch fritters in the Bahamas. I can tell you how amazing the sunset is on Maui & Negril and I can speak of personal travel experiences gleaning from many trips the world over, including the Europe, Asia, Oceania, Central America, Continental USA, Hawaii, Caribbean & Mexico.

Favorite Music – I’m mostly all about the 80’s, loved Queen, Thought I’d Marry George Michael and I have a thing for Latin Music! 

Favorite Drink – V&T with lime when I’m watching my waist, but blackberry mojito’s are my fav, I also nearly always drink half my weight in water every day, a girls gotta keep hydrated.   

Favorite Food – Indian, Thai and a good bar of Cadburys Fruit & Nut Chocolate goes a long way!

Travel Tip – Learn a little local lingo & Bring a change of clothes for back-up.I have an app on my phone and about a month or so before I travel I try and memorize a handful of words of the local language, It’s amazing how just a few words will go a long way; locals tend to warm to those who have made the effort to communicate with them in their own tongue. Also, since having a tray of Christmas Cocktails fall on my lap on a recent long haul flight, I’ve started to bring a change of clothes with me, 8 hours with damp sticky leggings wasn’t very pleasant.   

Contact Avril: 

If you have a love or desire to travel, go to my business Facebook page and like it, you can follow my story there, or simply stop by to say hello!


If you have a love or desire to travel, go to my business Facebook page and like it, you can follow my story there, or simply stop by to say hello!